Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Upsilon Chi Omega

Think HBCU℠
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) is a priority of Alpha Kappa Alpha. Our national campaign, Think HBCU℠, highlights HBCUs and their contribution to the sorority and society. Through education, engagement and advocacy, Upsilon Chi Omega looks to showcase HBCUs as a critical venue for moving students to and through college.
Recent UCO Activities
UCO Donates to the Tom Joyner Foundation
Upsilon Chi Omega Chapter presented a check in the amount of $1008.00 to the Tom Joyner Foundation as a part of Alpha Kappa Alpha's international program, THINKHBCU. The nationally-syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) team hosted their live broadcoast on the Gulf Coast on Monday, November 10 in honor of the 20th year anniversary celebration of WJZD 94.5. WJZD is the only African American owned radio station on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and was one of the very first station to become an affiliate of the TJMS.
UCO Exposes Pink Pearls to HBCUs
Upsilon Chi Omega sponsored a field trip for the Pink Pearls Youth Group to visit Southern University this past Fall. Pink Pearls toured the campus, learned about programs and opportunities at the unversity and attended a basketball game. This is Think HBCU℠ initiative and the chapter plans to sponsor more in the coming months.
Chapter Member Spotlight
Check out which of our members attended HBCUs and see what they say about their alma maters.
Tomesha Johnson
Alcorn State University
Anyone who has ever been to Alcorn knows it is in the middle of nowhere! It’s a hidden gem. The campus is breathtaking and while you are there, and most definitely once you leave, you are a part of an amazing family! Once an Alcornite ALWAYS an Alcornite!
I chose Alcorn because I wanted a challenge. I had no family who lived close enough to rescue me if I were uncomfortable! I also didn’t have anyone in my high school class who had planned to attend. I was forced to meet new people and was surrounded and supported entirely by people who looked just like me. I knew leaving there I would be going into a world that wouldn’t always support or believe in me, simply at times, because I was a black woman. I was taught there that I was confident, capable and supported by somebody somewhere because I was a product of Alcorn State University.
I met some of my closest and dearest friends at Alcorn. I had amazing internship opportunities and made long-lasting connections. No matter where I go I can find an Alcornite and if they can’t get me what I need they will find someone who can. We are a family.
Persharon Dixon
Morehouse School of Medicine
What’s special about your HBCU?
Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) is the largest producer of minority physicians in primary care fields in the country. MSM has graduated three Presidential appointees: Dr. Louis Sullivan, Director of Health and Human Services under President George H.W. Bush and also MSM founder; Dr. David Satcher, the 16th Surgeon General under President Clinton and creator of The Satcher Health Leadership Institute (SHLI) at MSM; and Dr. Regina Benjamin the 18th Surgeon General under President Obama.
Today we are proud to have the first woman President of Medical School, Dr. Valerie Montgomery-Rice. I love Morehouse because it focuses on producing primary care physicians and public health workers to address the disparities in healthcare that primarily affected communities of color. It also focused on me being a physician of the community and understanding the connection between health, social impact and financial influences on the overall health of individuals. Its small intimate class size made it easy to develop life-long friendships with professors and other colleagues.
Bernell Topp Kelly
Alcorn State University
Business Education
Attending an HBCU allowed me to make connections with other students like me. We had a bond of friendship/family that is still lasting. I was able to join the ladies of AKA and have a bond of sisterhood. Whenever you are out of town and meet other Alcornites, it's like you have known them for years. I cherish my time at Alcorn.
Shanna Pegues
Tougaloo College
Tougaloo College is special to me because of its historical significance and its close knit, family-like culture.
Sonya Williams Barnes
Jackson State University
Political Science / English Major
I choose JSU over Xavier and Tougaloo because I wanted to be a third generation graduate from JSU. But it wasn't a question that I was going to attend an HBCU. My Goal met! (grandmother Violet Williams 1952 my father Theodore R. Williams, Jr. 1964 and Me 1991) all JSU.
My experience at Jackson State was like no other in life. I was educated not only in class but outside of class. Being from a predominantly Caucasian high school it brought about a sense of pride for my race and for my school. It's a pride that only a HBCU grad can relate and or appreciate. Now, when I look back over my life one of my most exciting enjoyable AND productive times in my life, is my time at JSU!!!!
I literally made lifetime friendships while attending Jackson State. Not just friends from pledging but friends from the other walks I took at JSU.
It's an immediate connect when I meet someone from JSU and a certain respect and connect when I meet a grad from another HBCU. I WOULD NOT exchange my experience at Jackson State University for Harvard or Princeton...Not one day!
Still singing today my Alma Mater by memory....Jackson Fair Jackson Dear thee I love my dear ole college home. Thee I love wherever I may roam Jackson Fair Jackson Dear.
Hail hail to Thee
Hail hail to Thee
Hail to the college of my heart!!!
Ok I got a little carried away. Well actually I didn't it's just a JSU/ HBCU thing! Smiling....